Thursday, December 27, 2012

I'm Getting My License, Finally!

Yes! After all the overtime, no sleep and dealing with evil customers that wait until the last minute to shop, but then gets an attitude because we ride out of stuff. I now have the money to get my license; As soon as I cash my check, I’m going straight to Austin Driving School and signing up for driving classes. One goal down and two more to go! :)

Plus, my employment with Toy R Us ended on Monday, which really makes me sad, because I didn’t know until the last thirty minutes of my shift. I was so sad, don’t get me wrong there were TONS of cons working there I’m telling you, but I met so many awesome cool people that I have ever met, it was like high school, minus the drama but there were some douchebags that work there, but besides that and the fact that I didn’t get much sleep this week, last and the week after. I wouldn’t mind working there again during the holidays of next year. I just hope I have a car this time; I don’t stress up too much to the point my hair falls out and my face breaks out.

I’m also thinking about changing up this blog a little bit, change the design and make it more “wow” in a way, I’m also thinking about changing the name also.

We’ll see what happens?

Goddess :)

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