Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Quote Of The Day

What does the term 'get over' mean? Make the fans want to be you." - Al Snow

Wrestling Moves That I want to Learn: Part 1

Just finish watching WWE: The 50 Greatest Finisher Moves In History on Netflix, and I loved it. While watching it, I made a list of moves that I want to learn how to do when I start training.

1.   Moonsault

2.   Tombstone Piledriver

3.   Bionic Elbow (Dusty is so smooth when he does it)

4.   Million Dollar Dream

5.   Torture Rack

6.   DDP Cutter

7.   450 Splash

8.   Jack Knife

9.   Five Star Frog Splash

10. GTS

11. Chicken Wing

12. Ankle Lock

13. Walls Of Jericho

14. Spear (even though it’s over use now and day)

15. Camel Clutch

16. Razor Edge

17. 619

18. Doomsday Device (Need to find myself a partner)

19. 3D

20. Cobra Clutch

21. Swantom Bomb

22. Frog Splash

23. Sharpshooter

24. Figure Four Leg Lock

25. Leg Drop

26. Sweet Chin Music

27. DDT

28. Stunner

29. Pedigree

This isn’t just it, there are still tons of wrestling moves that I wanna learn, Damnitt I wish I had my license and a car, hopefully everything goes well this summer.



Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Practiced Wrestling Promo.

Here my first wrestling practice promo, might not be all that great, but i think i did pretty good. Can't wait to take acting classes this fall.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ebonys with Purple Hair

Sadly, my plan to die my hair purple this summer won’t happen, since I’m almost bald, but whenever my hair decides to grow back (hopefully), I will eventually have my natural hair in the same tone as Barney the dinosaur, until then I plan on buying a purple wig this summer, EBay and Amazon have some really cute ones that I might buy.

A couple of days ago, I was curious to see if they would be some photos of Black Women with purple hair on the internet, look what I found….


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quote Of The Day

                     I love myself, and that’s enough - MARYSE

Been Self-Conscious About Myself Lately

After I started working at Toy R Us, I was beginning to get dark spots on both my cheeks, around the bottom of my eyes, and on the top of my forehead. Since that was a stressful hell of the job, since I was working holiday season, and plus I was in school at the time. I just assume that it was from stress and not getting enough sleep.
After I left Toy R Us (it was only a season job), my face started to clear up a little bit, but then a week later it started breaking out again. Since I was about to start the spring semester of college, once again I thought it was from stress. But suddenly my breakouts started to get worse; it looked like I had bruises all over my face, plus the hair that was in the middle of my head was falling out.
So I went to the doctor.
Well, it turns out that my eczema has returned
If you don’t know what eczema is, it is a skin disorder. Here some links for more information:
I always knew that I had eczema, but I haven’t had a breakout since eight or so years ago, and at that time I thought It was my first breakout, but my mother mentions that I had a breakout when I was way younger.
Anyway, with my face looking like I just been in a boxing match and lost, and my hair constantly falling out. My mom and my two of my sisters have it WAY worse than I have it, beside my face looking bruised, and my hair falling out, I only had breakouts in certain areas of my body. Compare to them, my breakout is very mild.
But this breakout has made me very insecure to the point I wear a hoodie when I got out, my confident level went down a little bit, and almost every day I constantly look into the mirror, examining myself from top from bottom.
My number one goal in life is to be a WWE Diva, and my skin disorder might hold me back from achieving that. But just like Shelly Martinez says “Positive Vibes!  Positive Vibes!”
But it still sucks.

I’m still a Goddess!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Quote Of The Day

The only way to know happiness is to know sadness- Mrs.Ramon (My 10th grade english teacher)

4th Anniversary Of Test Death

Today is the 4th Anniversary of Andrew James Robert Patrick Martin aka Test death.

Test was one of my favorite villains’ in the WWE/WWF. I ‘ve enjoyed his storyline with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, teaming with Trish and Albert (Tensai), teaming up with Booker T, his storyline with Scott Steiner and Stacy Keibler, and him being involve with the Un-American Stable. I’ve also watch his time in ECW, but never got a chance to watch him during his time in TNA.

I was very sad when I heard the passing of Test; he was the wrestler that I grew up with, he was there when WWE/WWF was more entertaining and dirty. He was also involved at the time when the Tag Team division mattered. He was a good wrestler, decent on mic, and boy did I love his long hair.

To this day, I find it unbelievable that he died, he was so young.


R.I.P Test


Monday, March 11, 2013

Quote of The Day

”A whole bunch of people told me that if I went to WWE, I’d never make it. But it’s like I never heard them. I never listened. To me, I’m exactly where I belong. I feel like I was born to do this. Whatever your walk in life is, you pick what you want to be, then go ahead and be the best one.”
- CM Punk

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ranting 1

Me not having my license is the reason why I'm not training right now, If the wrestling school that I want to go to was bus transportation all of my problems would of be solve. Grrr, I hope everything goes well this semster.

Every chance I get

I ask questions, I have a couple of Indies Wrestlers as friends on Facebook, either from me adding them because I saw their matches on YouTube or well there no another reason. They have interesting statuses updates  and I have a conversation with them every now and then, but when I feel the time is right, I ask the  wrestler how was training like and how to make it in the business. So far, all of the indies wrestler that I have ask these questions to were very nice and didn’t made telling me what was training like, and how the business work. They could have been like, “You can find out your damn self”, which is an option to react, but I appreciated that they take a time to reply to my messages.
Thanks Mariah Moreno Madness and Ruthless LaLa
It  Indies are, sad how underrated thewhen it comes to the wrestling community as a whole.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Quote of The Day

I don't want to be a legend
Oh well that's a god-damned lie, I do - Emilie Autumn

Wrestlers Who Rock Their Gear Part 3: Edge

Edge is one of my favorite heels growing up and then some, every time he would show up on my TV, I would boo at him and throw stuff at my TV. Let’s just say that he was gold on mic and played a bad boy really excellently.

But besides my strong dislike for his in-ring personality, his ring gear is one of my favorite, man-wise. I just love his design.

Photos Credit: WWE/www.edgeuniversity.net

Gimmick Idea: The Siren

Name: Moana, Oceana, Nalu, Rosemary, Tallulah
Personality: She lives in the ocean, but is able to survive on ground. She very mysterious and rarely speaks.
Appearance: Long hair, and always look wet.
Weakness: Heat, Fire
Heel/Face: Can be both
Finisher: Tsunami (the last ride), The Splash (Frog Splash)
Signature Move: N/A
Wrestling Moves: Brawler/High Flyer
Entrance Music: The Siren by Nightwish
                   Voodoo by Godsmack
Ocean Way by Leaves’Eyes

Wrestling Attire: Something that resemblances the sea, ocean, and water, but at the moment undecided.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Paul Bearer pass away at 58.

This suck balls and make me very sad, when I heard about it I was hoping it wasn't true, but he pass away yesterday, a day after Taker made his return on Raw. I have always enjoy his time when he was involved in WWF/WWE, he was so over the top (in a good way) and was so entertaining, even though i will admit when i was younger he gave me a creeps a little bit, but was so awesome. I always looking forward to his returns and when he did, it was entertaining. And i knew somewhere down the line, he was going to make another WWE return, since we all know that Taker retirement is around the corner. Hearing so many stories from wrestler about how he doesn't mind giving advice to rookie and telling them how the business work, I was hoping to meet him one day, plus the fact I grew up with him.

He will go down in History as one of the best manager in wrestling history.


The Undertaker Returns, Black Women In Pro Wrestling

          I was going to type out my frustration about Black Women in wrestling, but i had trouble writting down my feeling, plus i also wanted to do a video response on The Legend Undertaker.


Trashy Gimmick Image Examples

This are just some photos to give you more of an image of my trashy gimmick.